Finding the courage to look up before looking ahead.
Spend time to reflect. Face those memories head on. Take a trip down the lane of lost yesterdays. Plan for the promised hope of a beautiful future. Stop staying still. Take time to look back to go forward!
When hope is deferred it can make your heart sick but finding Hope Himself above all else is the best way to heal.
Why it’s important to shine in the darkness, not hide from it.
Many of the things that you will do will go unnoticed and be unseen, but I want you to know that I see you, and that’s what’s important.
Read more about the peace that Anna now has living from her identity at Daughter first.
“He is a deeply personal God, I am His Daughter and I am known.”
Read Jax’s vulnerable post sharing her journey of learning to recognise God as Father.
“My job was to learn to be a daughter. His job was to take care of the rest.”
Read Wendy’s story of how she embraces her heavenly identity.
These summer sounds are perfect for any weather. It’s not always easy to bring kingdom sunshine everywhere but these 10 sunny songs of worship might just help to motivate your day. Listen to our playlist of Summer Sounds worship music here.
You see the more time I’ve spent with my husband over the years, the more his own passions and interests have begun to rub off on me.
And God spoke so clearly to me. “It works the same with me”
To be excited by the same things as God is, I need to spend time with Him. To understand what moves His heart I need to invest in quality time seeking his heart.
Imagine being so connected to others that you 100% knew they would not let you go.
Total and complete trust in your relationships. Fully believing that even if you start to slip away they will keep holding on.
There it was. Unassuming. Full of confidence as it had the audacity to brighten up the dark earth.
Half the adult population will emerge from this season walking wounded. The pressures. The demands. The spinning plates. The mess from the broken ones. The heightened responsibility.
I found it difficult finding words to articulate my processing. But what I do know is this:
Until men and women work together to fight the misogyny and sexism we’ve seen for millennia, things will not change.
In celebration of #IWD this year we’ve chosen to honour five fierce and fabulous females who walk their walk with Jesus.
Living a life that loves Jesus is definitely the best way forward, but we can’t claim it’s always easy. I imagine that having a faith when your life is lived in the public eye can come will other additional pressures.
That said, we think these women are such an inspiration and know they will inspire you too.
We see it throughout the gospels and know it’s true today
Jesus loves women. He empowers women. He believes in women and He honours women.
That means the same is true for you too beautiful one.
Jesus loves you.
He empowers you.
He believes in you and He honours you!
He Calls You Woman
I’ll bet there are plenty of love anthems you could belt out word for word with no need for the karaoke prompts?
You might be a cheesy-ballad kind of girl. Or maybe you’re an angsty rock chick. Either way, I’ll bet you’re no stranger to a kitchen disco or stylish kitchen choreography - with or without the hairbrush!
But we’ve got some alternative tunes about a different kind of love that we think will better feed your soul.
And you can still have a boogey and belt them out too!
Tune back into love Himself with our Top 10 Alternative Love Songs.
Knowing you are loved and letting His love change you is the most powerful way to live. Remember precious one,
He Calls You Loved
It is in the story of God picking up the pieces of your life and putting them back together again that breathtaking beauty is found. When we are brave enough to be authentic and honest with our struggles and our story, the sooner God’s kingdom will break out . To find the beauty in our brokenness, we need to start embracing our imperfections and owning our story.
Words will either bring life or they will bring death. It’s up to you, not just what you say, but how you say it too. Try putting these 5 principles into practice when you go about your day-to-day living. You’ll have people hanging on your words and be able to captivate your audience. Use a mirror to help you; yes it will feel weird but I promise it will feel less weird the next time you have to deliver an important message outside in the big wide world. And most importantly - remember to keep it classy!
Stop hitting the snooze button. It’s not always easy to feel motivated to bring the kingdom but our top 10 list of motivational worship songs might just help to kick-start your morning and fire you up to take on the day. Listen to our playlist of motivational worship music here.
Time is our most precious commodity. We’re sharing our top tips on prioritising your time and saying no without feeling guilty. Using three simple questions, we’ll walk you through the art of saying no with strength and dignity. We promise that by the end of this you’ll be ready to say yes only to the things that really matter.
There’s never a convenient time to become a world changer. You’ll never have enough time, or the right funding. Women in leadership don’t get there because they waited to check off all the things on the list for them to be ‘ready’. Women in leadership are changing the world because they jumped. And now it’s time for YOU to jump too.
The days and weeks might be blurring into one, mundane survival-exercise, but you’re not wasting your time. Here’s our list of 5 skills you are developing during lockdown without even realising it.
This post doesn’t come with a list of suggestions to tick off, or a ‘how to’ bullet point check of things to achieve. It’s intended as an encouragement to try to find the beauty in each moment, and if you can’t do that then look for Jesus. He’s there. In every moment. In the obviously lovely ones, but also in the downright messy ones too.
In my surrender I have become stronger. I have found a strength that is beyond me, and yet within me at the same time. Trading my hurts, pains and disappointments for God’s presence and comfort is where I grew. He is my strength: the source of all my hope.
“Let there be light” were some of the first words spoken by God over His creation, signifying the importance and need for light in our world. Light is fundamental to creation. And you were created for light.
Prayer can sometimes be hard work, after all we’re talking to an invisible God who, although in lots of ways reveals himself to us, doesn’t meet us in Costa for catch up over coffee. But, like any other relationship, we have to set aside time for it to build and grow.
As adults, we often move on from more traditional fears like being scared of the dark. Instead, we can become consumed by fears around provision, relationships and health. What is the antidote to fear? Love.
We are all daughters first. When we live from a place of daughterhood, nothing can challenge our identity.
The truth is, that our plans mean very little in reality. We like to think we are in control of how our life will turn out, but we’re not. It’s a good thing that God had a plan for me all along.
We started He Calls Me because that is exactly what we want to do; help women who feel deep in their soul that they are made for more hear the voice that calls them and equip them to go out and live free, purpose-filled lives.
The thing to remember beautiful one, is that you are an overcomer. Because HE has overcome. And you are called to share in Jesus’ victory.
If you’re going through a tough time, need a little pick me up or feel fit to burst with champion songs already this playlist is for!